Creating and managing aliases


Aliases allow you to answer chats via different personas. You may want to create an alias to protect your identity or give the appearance that your business is larger than it is. With aliases, you can create a new identity the customer sees when you respond to chats.

NOTE: The instructions below can be completed from a browser or the desktop apps.

To make changes to an existing alias or create a whole new one, click your Profile Icon in the lower-left corner of the dashboard and select Edit Profile.

On your My Profile page, select Aliases in the Account menu to view a list of all of your current aliases. Then, select an alias to make changes or hit the green Add Alias button in the upper-right corner to create a new one.

Now you can give a name and add a picture to complete the new you. You can even upload your own picture to add another level of realism and personality. Turn on the toggle for Set as default alias if you prefer to use it as your default. 

Now, don’t forget to click the green Save button in the lower right-right corner once done.

With multiple Aliases set up, you can choose which one you'd like to use before joining a chat by clicking the drop-down.

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