How to change your property image


A Property typically includes one or more chat widgets associated with the Property, a chat page, and a Knowledge Base for a single business or website. You can add an unlimited number of Properties to your account for free.

Each Property you create allows you to add a property image. Adding your logo as your Property image helps you customize and easily identify different properties in the dashboard.

The Property image will also appear in your widget header when you activate the Logo widget card.

You can learn more about adding your logo to the widget in this article: Customizing the widget header and body cards

When you first create a Property, the default Property image includes the first letter of the property name with a random background color. Replacing the default image with your logo puts your brand first and makes it easy to identify each property you create in the Dashboard.

For best results, we recommend using an image size of at least 512 x 512 pixels.

NOTE: The instructions below can only be completed from a browser or the desktop apps. They cannot be completed in the mobile app.

Here’s how to add a new property image:

If you have multiple properties, check to make sure you're viewing the correct one. Hover over the current property name in the upper-left menu to select a new property from the list.

Make your way to ⚙️AdministrationOverviewProperty Image.

Then, click Modify Property Image.

From the drop-down list, select one of the following options:

Upload Photo — this option lets you upload a photo from your device.  After selecting an image, adjust the crop border around the image. Then select Apply.

Remove Photo — this option lets you remove the existing property image. 

Beside the drop-down list, click the Save button to confirm the changes.

That's it — you're done. You've successfully updated your property image.

Need help with changing your property image? Reach out to our support team or schedule a call

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